This is where things get interesting... Especially if you're a small to medium sized business.
We've teamed up with Sky AdSmart to help bring affordable TV advertising to almost all businesses within Oxfordshire and beyond.
Traditionally, TV advertising has been very linear, predominantly relying on large (inter)national brands buying up ad space to showcase their content across the country for rather a lot of money. You could target by region, but realistically you still had to spend a pretty penny as households were viewing more or less the same thing as every other household.
But how times have changed!
We all know the brilliance of online paid promotions and the intricate targeting abilities that goes along with it, which allows for a far cheaper way to spread your brand to your audience, and not spend money on wasted views. As social media has evolved, so has TV. What you may not know is that Sky HD and Q boxes are smart, they store the same kind of data that a consumers laptop/phone stores. This means Sky has the ability to target households the same way our favourite social media sites do.
You maybe thinking, that's great, but TV adverts still appear to be very linear in appearance, how does Sky showcase commercials in a smart way? If you've been watching any Sky or other supported channel you've probably seen a Sky AdSmart commercial. They integrate the commercial seamlessly into the running order when they detect someone in your target audience watching a show... Therefore your advert has the ability to run perfectly in-sync with some of the best content out there. Imagine being in an ad break for Game of Thrones, West World or any other big budget drama/show.... It could even run before blockbuster movies on any of the Sky Cinema channels or your favourite sporting event on Sky Sports.
The great thing about having your video run alongside such great content is because it portrays an extremely strong brand image that allows viewers to perceive your brand with a far greater level of trust compared to a standard online advert, where your video maybe heading up a random cat video or something that you may not want your brand associated with... Essentially, TV is a safe and strong place to have your brand seen.
There are issues with online paid promotions that can be frustrating, like when you end up paying for a "view" when only a few seconds of your content's been watched. You may worry about this even more when it comes to advertising with Sky because people are able to fast forward commercials! But that's not the case... When running a commercial video with Sky AdSmart, you only pay when someone has watched 75% of the video at normal speed. Therefore, if the advert is fast forwarded, or your advert is switched off halfway through, you don't pay for it! What I love about this is that it minimises the risks and worries that some people may have about wasted views, and therefore wasted money.
There is a lot to talk about when it comes to Sky AdSmart, especially if you want your brand to be seen on TV, so please feel free to pop us a message and see how we can help.